
Limbuwan, Nepal

There is a proposal for 8 autonomous states in the new federal republic, but there is another proposal for 15 states with names based not on ethnicity, but rather on geographical terms. The proposals are still open to discussion and in the meantime several autonomous councils had been formed claiming the status of an autonomous republics for various ethnic groups in Nepal. Chrystian Kretowicz, 28 April 2008

About Limbuwan
One of the proposed states is Limbuwan. Limbu people live in eastern Nepal on the border with Sikkim. Their language, Kiranti, is of Tibeto-Burman branch of Sino-Tibetan family. Limbu means "archer". They number @ 400,000 in Nepal and live also in Sikkim, Bhutan and West Bengal. The flag of the Federal Limbuwan State Council is presented above.Relevant links at:http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-787778225312155289 (first image after titles)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limbuwan_Autonomy

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