

Kirat Yakthung Chumlung (KYC) is non-partisan and non-profit making Limbu indigenous peoples organization established in 1989. KYC is a common and representative organization of Limbu indigenous peoples of Nepal. It was duly registered with the government in 1990 and affiliated with the Social Welfare Council in 1994. Since its inception, it is dedicated to the promotion and preservation of Limbu language and culture; the upliftment of socio-economic and educational condition of Limbus; the consolidation communal harmony among various communities; and the protection and promotion of human rights and indigenous peoples rights. KYC’s activities are mainly concentrated in nine districts of Eastern part of Nepal historically known and currently proclaimed as autonomous territory ‘Limbuwan’ and in Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur districts.

The KYC has been working to protect and promote Indigenous peoples' rights along with other indigenous peoples' organization of Nepal since its establishment. It is one of the founder organizations of Nepal's indigenous peoples' national network, Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN) established in 1990. It has been actively participating in the work of NEFIN for ensuring the rights of indigenous peoples in Nepal.
1. To undertake various activities for the upliftment of the Limbus, their language include Kirat-Sirijonga script, literature, religion and culture.
2. To conduct research on subjects related to Limbus and promote awareness among them.
3. To organize various activities of economic development in Limbuwan to improve the living standard of local people.
4. To make the Limbus, as well as other ethnic groups of Limbuwan, aware of the constitution of Nepal, their constitutional rights and the prevalent laws of Nepal.
5. To conduct effective programs to curb the destruction of the environments and ecosystem.
6. To undertake activities for the achievement of Limbuwan autonomy under the federal system to ensure country's national integrity and sovereignty as well as sustainable development by promoting communal harmony among different ethnic groups and communities.
7. To conduct awareness programs against drug abuse and provide treatment and rehabilitation facilities for drug addicts.
8. To plan and carry out appropriate programs in order to wipe out superstition and ignorance of people about health problems in rural areas. Also, to encourage them to make best use of available and possible means and measures in the field of (for) the primary health care.
9. To increase mass awareness among the people to stay away from AIDS and other fatal diseases. Also, to make them aware of safety measures and precautions against such diseases.
10.To work for human rights, indigenous rights and women rights and child rights.
11. To carry out campaign to improve educational status of the Limbus

1. Self-esteem, self-respect and dignity
2. Mutual respect
3. Meaningful participation, transparency and institutionalization
4. Equity and Equality
5. Common ownership and responsibility
6. Consensus building
7. Mutual cooperation and strong belief in unity


1. Advocacy and Lobbying
2. Formal and Non-formal Education through Limbu language
3. Treatment and Rehabilitation for drug addicts
4. Saving and Credit Program
5. Establishment of 'Chumlung Him' (Community Hall)
6. Organizational and Institutional Development of KYC
7. Cultural Programs
8. Celebrating Birthdays of Limbu National Personalities
9. Chumlung Awards
10. Chumlung Day Celebration.
11. Development of Library:
12. Services:
13. Youth Co-operation Program


1. Tanchhoppa:
2. Chumlung Bulletin:
3. Hukwa:
4. Sumhatlung:
5. Annual Report:
6. Chumlung Calendar:
7. Pocket Calendar: It is a small sized calendar.
8. Pamphlets and flayers:

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